Hendrin Ali Said and Aras Ali Said v. Hungary
Appl. no. 13457/11
Each year hundreds of thousands leave their home due to wars, hunger, torture and persecution globally. In Europe, although often perceived as a safe region, asylum-seekers are often met by refusal, detention and expulsion.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee works towards providing effective assistance to those fleeing to Hungary.
Appl. no. 13457/11
Protest of the refugees from Bicske.
The project is about to create a multilingual online database of case summaries interpreting refugee and asylum law of 17 EU Member States.
Appl. no. 13058/11
HHC is taking part in the set-up of a Europe-wide, comprehensive database.
Report on the main shortcomings in national asylum systems regarding unaccompanied minors and on recommendations towards member states to better respect separated children’s right to asylum.
Bringing national and EU policies and practices in line with the obligations set out by the European instruments on human rights.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the National Police Headquarters and the UNHCR Regional Representation in Central Europe present their annual report on border monitoring activities carried out in 2011.
The HHC ensures access to effective, free-of-charge legal counselling and representation at all places (reception centres, community shelters, alien policing jails) where persons in need of international protection are accommodated or detained in Hungary.
Ensuring access to the territory and to the asylum procedure for persons in need of international protection.
In our latest report, we analysed the functioning of the Serbian asylum system again, with special focus on the application of the “safe third country” concept in Hungary and the possible consequences of returning rejected asylum seekers to Serbia.
The Dublin system increases pressures on the border regions of the EU, where states are often least able to offer asylum seekers support and protection.
GENSEN is a project that primarily strives to enhance gender equality and provide additional safeguards for vulnerable asylum-seekers in asylum procedures conducted by European states.
The overall goal of the CREDO project is to contribute to better structured, objective, high-quality and protection-oriented credibility assessment practices in asylum procedures conducted by EU Member States.
GENSEN is a project that primarily strives to enhance gender equality and provide additional safeguards for vulnerable asylum-seekers in asylum procedures conducted by European states.
The project aims to assess the legal situation of separated children seeking asylum in the EU.
The aim of this project to extend the knowledge of human rights regulations relating to return.
Mapping the national impact of the four initial asylum-related judgments of the EU Court of Justice.
The Refugee Law Reader is a comprehensive on-line model curriculum for the study of the complex and rapidly evolving field of international refugee law.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee has updated and expanded its 2009 publication “Human rights and expulsion”.