#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Projects related to the Dublin procedure

The Dublin system increases pressures on the border regions of the EU, where states are often least able to offer asylum seekers support and protection.

The ‘Dublin Regulation’ establishes a hierarchy of criteria for identifying the EU Member State responsible for processing an asylum claim. Usually this will be the state through which the asylum seeker first entered the EU. The Regulation aims to ensure that each claim is examined by one MemberState, to deter repeated applications, and to enhance efficiency. Application of this regulation can seriously delay the presentation of claims, and can result in claims never being heard. Causes of widespread criticism of the Dublin system include the use of detention to enforce transfers of asylum seekers from the state where they apply to the state deemed responsible, the separation of families, the denial of an effective opportunity to appeal against transfers, and the reluctance of Member States to use the sovereignty clause to alleviate these and other problems. The Dublin system also increases pressures on the border regions of the EU, where states are often least able to offer asylum seekers support and protection.


The transnational project called “Dubliners” aims to identify and discuss flaws and inefficiencies in the functioning of the Dublin system through interviews with “Dublin Units” at asylum authorities and with asylum-seekers, as well as through international meetings and comparative research. The project furthermore strives to present viable proposals for the improvement of the Dublin system.

Coordinator:  Italian Council for Refugees (CIR)

Funded by: European Refugee Fund Community Actions



The transnational project „The creation of a transnational network of advice and assistance for asylum seekers in a Dublin procedure” aims to provide a closer monitoring of asylum seekers in a Dublin Procedure and exchange of information. In order to do this, a network of European associations is established and information tools are developed. The project that involves 12 member states started in December 2009 and lasts for 18 months. The objective is to guarantee continuity in the legal, social and medical support provided to asylum seekers transferred under the Dublin Regulation.

Coordinator: Forum Réfugiés

Funded by: European Refugee Fund’s Community Actions

The second phase of the transnational Dublin project was approved by the ERF and it started in July 2011. It will last for another 18 months.  The project continues to follow up asylum seekers in the Dublin procedure and after the transfer through the network of partner NGOs, which expanded to 4 new countries (Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and Slovakia). The project also foresees regular updating of the web page www.dublin-project.eu, creation of the jurisprudence database, development of the on-line learning material on Dublin Regulation and a comparative report Lives on Hold.


The DIASP (Dublin’s Impact on Asylum Seekers’ Protection) is an 18-month project coordinated by the Jesuit refugee service Europe, working with 10 partner organisations that directly accompany persons who are in Dublin procedures.

The DIASP project aims to bring the personal experiences of asylum seekers directly into the EU and member state debate on Dublin. Its central objective is twofold: to study the level of protection asylum seekers have access to under the implementation of the Dublin Regulation, and to identify and advocate for best practices in implementing Dublin procedures in 10 member states of the EU.

Each partner will interview 30-40 Dublin asylum seekers in detention centers as well as in open community reception centers. JRS-Europe and its partners will publish a final report, containing the results of all research, including personal interviews and national reports.

The executive summary of the final report Protection Interrupted (in English) can be accessed here, the national report on Hungary (in English) can be accessed here and the executive summary of the comparative and national reports (in Hungarian) can be accessed here.

Funded by: European Refugee Fund’s Community Actions

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