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Váltás magyarraHungarian Helsinki Committee
- Office address: 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 20. II/9.
- Postal address: 1242 Budapest, Pf. 317.
- General:
- Press:
- Volunteering:
Legal assistance
We are only able to accept inquiries by phone, e-mail or post to a limited extent. Please make an appointment by phone or e-mail before coming to see us. You can also use our contact form to get in touch.
Bank details
- Account number: 10201006-50247961-00000000
- Name of the bank: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Zrt.
- IBAN: HU75 1020 1006 5024 7961 0000 0000
Organizational details
- Tax number: 19013983-1-42
- Registration number: 01-02-0000383
Complaint mechanism for clients
Did you have a problem with our services? Were you harmed in any way when receiving our assistance? You can send a complaint to us in email to Please put “COMPLAINT” into the subject line of your email. Please explain shortly the problem you had, as concretely as possible.
- We will treat your complaint confidentially. If you complain about a specific colleague or partner (like interpreter) of the Helsinki Committee, that person will not know that you complained about her/him.
- First, only a specifically appointed administrative colleague will see your complaint email. Second, a competent, neutral person will examine your complaint and will take the necessary steps. Your email will be stored confidentially.
- We will confirm in writing that we have received your complaint.
Reporting a breach of law or other abuse
Are you a former or current member, employee, individual or corporate contractor, volunteer or intern of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee? Have you experienced a breach of law, abuse or misconduct in connection with our work? You have the right to report it to us orally or in writing in accordance with Act XXV of 2023. For the most efficient processing of your report, we recommend that you submit it by email to with “REPORTING AN ABUSE” in the subject line.
Your report will be treated confidentially. If your report relates to a specific person, they will not know that the report was submitted by you.
In the case of a written submission, your email will first be seen only by a designated administrative staff member. They will forward it to a designated, trained, neutral person who will examine the content of the report and take all necessary steps. Your report and the information it contains will be kept confidential and will be investigated in accordance with the relevant data protection rules.
Your report will be investigated within 30 days. In particularly justified cases, the deadline can be extended to three months. We will inform you about the results of the investigation in writing.