Country Information in Asylum Procedures – Quality as a Legal Requirement in the EU (2007)
Author: Gábor Gyulai
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2007
ISBN: 978-963-87757-0-2
Each year hundreds of thousands leave their home due to wars, hunger, torture and persecution globally. In Europe, although often perceived as a safe region, asylum-seekers are often met by refusal, detention and expulsion.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee works towards providing effective assistance to those fleeing to Hungary.
Author: Gábor Gyulai
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2007
ISBN: 978-963-87757-0-2
Author: Júlia Mink
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2007
Author: Gábor Gyulai
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2007
Documents related to the Fourth Periodic Report of Hungary
Author: András Mink
Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2005
ISBN: 963 86959 1 9