#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

GENSEN project: Gender Perspective in the Asylum Procedure in Europe (2010-2012)

GENSEN is a project that primarily strives to enhance gender equality and provide additional safeguards for vulnerable asylum-seekers in asylum procedures conducted by European states.

GENSEN is a project that primarily strives to enhance gender equality and provide additional safeguards for vulnerable asylum-seekers in asylum procedures conducted by European states. It focuses on the harmonization of the operational implementation of the European asylum legislation from a gender perspective. The secondary objective of the GENSEN project is to contribute to gender awareness among national stakeholders to ensure that women and LGBT concerns are visible and addressed.

GENSEN’s main activities include: a nine-country comparative research; national workshops to facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, and effective practice methods; and regional training sessions focused on integrating a gender perspective into asylum procedure. The GENSEN project will conclude with the publication of a comparative report Gender-related asylum claims in Europe providing an analysis of how gender-related asylum claims are handled in nine different EU member states, alongside a final launching event in the European Parliament. The executive summary can be accessed here. The report on Hungary can be accessed here.

The lead NGO on the project is the Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado(Spain). Other partner NGOs include France Terre d’Asile (France), Asylum Aid (United Kingdom), Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati (Italy) and Hungarian Helsinki Committee. The project began October 2010 and was completed in May 2012.

Funded by: European Commission through the European Refugee Fund

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee