#Ukraine Temporary protection card extended until 2025

Topic: Justice

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  • Absurd charges against opposition MPs after today’s protest

    Criminal charges on account of violation of personal liberty against protesting MPs and activist of LMP run counter to human logic, since no one’s freedom of movement has been violated and anyone could access the Parliament building. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee is offering free legal assistance to activists detained by the police.

  • Ferencné Kovács v. Hungary

    In March 2009, the Tatabánya City Court ordered the pre-trial detention of Mrs Ferenc Kovács, an ill, 83 year-old lady in her absence in the course of a criminal investigation that had been ongoing for … Read more

  • Unacceptable justification for Metropolitan Court’s judgment on ‘New Hungarian Guard’

    The Metropolitan Court in its judgment of November 5 acquitted Róbert Kiss, the leader of the ‘New Hungarian Guard’ of the charges of the abuse of right to assembly. According to the judge the Court should deliver its judgement on the basis of the “prevailing order in the country” and not according to the rule of law. This reasoning is especially problematic when the judge refers to the views of a particular political party.

  • HHC comments on draft law on OPCAT

    The Hungarian Helsinki Committee commented the draft law on the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture (OPCAT). The HHC welcomes the ratification of the OPCAT and the designation of the ombudsman as the national preventive mechanism. We are dissapointed however that the draft law does not cover all types of places of detention. We are concerned that NGOs which already acquired significant experience in monitoring detention are excluded from the national preventive mechanism which would start its operation only in 2015.

  • Unlawful ban on trade union demonstrations

    The HCLU and the HHC protest against the decision of the Police banning planned demonstrations of trade unions in front of the Parliament and in the Castle in Budapest. The NGOs claim that the ban has no valid reasons and violates the right to assembly of trade union members. The HCLU helps trade unions to challenge the decision before the court.

  • Csüllög v. Hungary

     The European Court of Human Rights found that Hungary has breached the ban on inhuman and degrading treatment in the case of Csüllög v Hungary. The applicant was represented by the Helsinki Committee’s lawyer. The case concerned the placement of a prison inmate in a special security regime in the Satoraljaujhely prison for two years. The applicant had no opportunities to challenge his placement in the regime. It follows from the Court’s judgment that Hungary has to improve detention conditions and revise rules on legal remedies available to inmates.

  • “The silent man is an accomplice…” – HHC calls on prosecutor to investigate, and politicians to condemn hate speech

    The head of an extremist group (Betyársereg) cooperating with the parliamentary party Jobbik incited its audience to kill Jews, Roma and people who have “a different color skin” at a festival in Verőce.

    The Hungarian Helsinki Committee urges the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the case and the Prime Minister and the President of Hungary to condemn the manifestations of hatred. The Helsinki Committee reminds that these steps are especially important considering the high level of intolerance towards minorities in the country.

  • Karsai v. Hungary

    The HHC’s co-chair represented László Karsai, is a Hungarian historian and university professor before the European Court of Human Rights in a case concerning the applicant’s freedom of expression. In 2004 there was a public … Read more

  • Gubacsi v. Hungary

    Hungary violated inhuman and degrading treatment ban – HHC wins another case in Strasbourg human rights court

  • Barta v. Hungary

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Hungary violated Article 3 of the Convention in a police ill-treatment case. The applicant was represented by one of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s lawyers. Case Barta v. Hungary  

  • Darvas v. Hungary

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled in its decision dated 11 January 2011 that the pre-trial detention of a 27-year old man was unjustified. According to the ECtHR, the applicant should not have been … Read more

  • Engel v. Hungary

    On 20 May 2010, the European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment in the case of Mr. Zoltán Engel versus Hungary. Mr. Engel was sentenced to life in prison for shooting and killing a police … Read more

  • Kmetty v. Hungary

    In its chamber judgment issued on 16 December 2003, the European Court of Human Rights held unanimously that there had been a violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European … Read more

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