Facts & Figures on Immigration and Asylum in Hungary (7 August 2015)
Quick fix to the myths
Quick fix to the myths
HHC Information Note on the changes to Asylum Act that took effect on 1 August 2015 and its expected impact
Border monitoring activities have been carried out in Hungary since 2006 under a tripartite cooperation agreement between the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the UNHCR Regional Representation and the National Police Headquarters.
Fair Trials and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee organized a practitioner training on 19-21 June in Budapest attended by lawyers from Croatia, Slovenia, the Netherlands and Hungary. The training provided presentations delivered by experts of the Fair Trials on the roadmap directives and a forum for discussion about the relevant practical experiences of the participating lawyers.
Short information material for those leaving Szeged to go to a reception centre.
The Hungarian government has filled the Constitutional Court with loyal judges to create a judicial rubber stamp for government interests, according to a study by the Eötvös Károly Institute, the HHC and the HCLU of recent Constitutional Court decisions.
Information note on Hungarian government plans to breach EU asylum law and to subject asylum-seekers to massive detention and immediate deportation
In its judgment issued today, the European Court of Human Rights set out that Hungary should produce within six months a plan for reducing overcrowding in its penitentiaries. The judgment concluded that the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment was violated with regard to the applicants detained in overcrowded cells, three of them being the clients of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.
The HHC submitted a communication to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe with regard to the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights related to the overcrowding in Hungarian penitentiaries.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) has launched the second volume of the multidisciplinary training manual “Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures”.
The aim of the meeting was to explore in more depth a number of aspects and issues related to credibility assessment that were identified through the CREDO projects as requiring further examination, both from a doctrinal/legal point of view and in terms of their application in practice.
UNHCR publication on EU state practices of credibility assessment in children´s asylum claims
New report on the implementation of the right to family reunification for people in need of international protection in the European Union.
An assessment of the current deficiencies of the rule of law, democracy, pluralism and respect for human rights in Hungary.
This short handbook aims at providing refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection with necessary information in 5 languages.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee manages the Refugee Law Reader (www.refugeelawreader.org), a comprehensive on-line model curriculum for the study of the complex and rapidly evolving field of international asylum and refugee law We are looking for a part-time … Read more
We’re holding a course based on the Refugee Law Reader on 4-8 December 2014, in Quito, Ecuador. Apply till 17 October!
NGO factsheets on the rule of law developments in Hungary, September 2014
Hungarian NGOs and international organisations voiced concerns about the Hungarian government’s fierce crackdown on NGOs at the international human rights event of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Warsaw.
On 17 September, a juvenile client of the HHC was set free after 13 months of pre-trial detention imposed for the alleged robbery of a T-shirt. The HHC turned to Strasbourg in the case earlier on.