Faces from Ukraine: Marianna
“I only have my children. They are my life.”
Each year hundreds of thousands leave their home due to wars, hunger, torture and persecution globally. In Europe, although often perceived as a safe region, asylum-seekers are often met by refusal, detention and expulsion.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee works towards providing effective assistance to those fleeing to Hungary.
“I only have my children. They are my life.”
“I’m sure the garlic planted in spring has already gone to seed and grown enormous.”
A new research paper published by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee brings attention to the worrying practices of non-implementation of judgments in the field of asylum and migration in Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia and the implications on the rule of law.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee and the She 4 She will organise an exhibition of paintings of refugees and other foreigners living in Hungary.
The Dutch Council for Refugees interviewed our colleague, Anikó Bakonyi about our response to the war in Ukraine.
В последнее время в Венгерский Хельсинкский Комитет поступало много обращений в связи с обучением украинских детей.
Останнім часом до Угорського Гельсінського Комітету надходило багато звернень стосовно навчання українських дітей.
Our Ukrainian neighbours celebrated Independence Day in the shadow of the losses of the Russian invasion that started six months ago. We help the best we can to ease the pain of war: providing 24/7 legal assistance & info to those fleeing.
Joint Legal Note by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) aims at providing guidance as to the standards under EU and international law relating to examination of … Read more
Another judgment has been delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg due to unlawful detentions in the transit zone. The asylum seeking family from Iraq, four children and their parents were arbitrarily held by the Hungarian authorities for 136 days. The family was represented by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.
У цій брошурі міститься корисна інформація, призначена вам, якщо ви легально в’їхали до Угорщини до 24 лютого 2022 року й наразі не можете повернутися до України через війну ТА якщо ви є громадянином / громадянкою України або членом сім’ї (чоловіком або дружиною, цивільним чоловіком або дружиною, дитиною, якій не виповнилося 18 років, батьками українських дітей та іншими родичами, які проживають в одному домогосподарстві, навіть якщо вони не є громадянами України) громадянина або громадянки України або якщо вас визнали біженцем, або особою без громадянства в Україні, або ви є членом сім’ї такої особи.
Эта брошюра будет вам полезна, если вы легально въехали в Венгрию до 24 февраля 2022 г. и теперь не можете вернуться в Украину из-за войны, А ТАКЖЕ являетесь гражданином Украины или членом семьи (супругой или супругом, партнером, ребенком в возрасте до 18 лет, родителем украинского ребенка или другим родственником, проживавшим в том же домохозяйстве, даже при отсутствии гражданства Украины) гражданина Украины либо получили статус беженца или лица без гражданства в Украине или являетесь членом семьи такого лица.
This leaflet has useful information for you if you legally arrived in Hungary before 24 February 2022 and now you cannot return to Ukraine for the war AND you are a Ukrainian citizen or a family member (wife or husband, partner, children under 18, parents of a Ukrainian children and other relatives, who lived in the same household, even if not Ukrainian citizens) of a Ukrainian citizen, or if you have been recognized as a refugee or stateless person in Ukraine or are a family member of such person.
Another judgment has been delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against Hungary due to unlawful detention of an asylum seeking family in the transit zone. Four Iraqi children and their parents were held by the Hungarian authorities for nearly five months. What is more, the mother was pregnant with their fifth child during their detention in the container camp at Tompa, Hungary. And yet, Hungarian authorities couldn’t care less. The family has been represented by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.
As part of the Protecting Rights at Borders initiative funded by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), the third quarterly report on unlawful push-backs was published. Since our previous report the world has changed, … Read more
On the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Hungary
The Asylum Information Database (AIDA) contains information on asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and international protection based on data from 23 countries, including Hungary. The report on Hungary for 2021 issued by the Hungarian Helsinki … Read more
Millions of children have been forced to leave Ukraine since the beginning of the war. They are in a particularly vulnerable situation, which is why they require an additional measure of legal and social support.
Ви знайдете корисну інформацію у цій брошурі, якщо ви не є громадянином/громадянкою України, але ви жили в Україні і вам довелося її залишити через війну.
Эта памятка содержит полезную информацию для вас, если вы являетесь гражданином/гражданкой Украины, членом семьи гражданина/гражданки Украины и проживали в Украине до 24 февраля. Граждане Украины, бегущие из Украины, и члены их семей могут свободно въезжать в Венгрию через любой пункт пропуска на границе.