New information for refugees!
Short information material for those leaving Szeged to go to a reception centre.
Short information material for those leaving Szeged to go to a reception centre.
Information note on Hungarian government plans to breach EU asylum law and to subject asylum-seekers to massive detention and immediate deportation
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) has launched the second volume of the multidisciplinary training manual “Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures”.
The aim of the meeting was to explore in more depth a number of aspects and issues related to credibility assessment that were identified through the CREDO projects as requiring further examination, both from a doctrinal/legal point of view and in terms of their application in practice.
UNHCR publication on EU state practices of credibility assessment in children´s asylum claims
New report on the implementation of the right to family reunification for people in need of international protection in the European Union.
This short handbook aims at providing refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection with necessary information in 5 languages.
We’re holding a course based on the Refugee Law Reader on 4-8 December 2014, in Quito, Ecuador. Apply till 17 October!
The launch of the report ‘Mind the Gap: An NGO perspective on Challenges to Accessing Protection in the Common European Asylum System’
Current on 30 June 2016
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the National Police Headquarters and the UNHCR Regional Representation in Central Europe present their annual report on border monitoring activities carried out in 2013.
Summary of HHC main human rights concerns
A four-day seminar based on the Refugee Law Reader will be held in Tbilisi on 7-10 July 2014.
The Information Note gives a summary overview about recent developments regarding the Hungarian asylum system, with special emphasis on asylum detention and the situation of asylum-seekers under the Dublin III Regulation.
The HHC within the framework of the project ‘Access to Protection’ coordinated by the Italian Council of Refugees (CIR) has published a mapping paper on human rights trainings to border guards.
A training course for legal representatives, lawyers specialized on asylum cases and NGO practitioners, Madrid 5-7 May 2014
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee with the support of the Global Learning Centre of UNHCR has published a guide on establishing a Refugee Law Clinic.
The Detention of Asylum Seekers in Hungary: Exploring the Impact of Three Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee organized a on-week course on refugee law in Budapest on 2-6 December 2013.