#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Country Information (COI) Network

Country information (COI) constitutes the main, and often the only available factual evidence in refugee status determination.

Country information (COI) constitutes the main, and often the only available factual evidence in refugee status determination. The three subsequent “COI Network” projects’ main objective was to improve the quality of country information used in asylum procedures through establishing and promoting joint methodological and quality standards, thus contributing to a fair and effective refugee status determination in Europe. The HHC has been a key member of the Network since 2004, and has participated in various trans-national activities in this framework (drafting of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information”, preparation of an e-learning tool, trainings, research, etc.).

The most recent phase of the Network (concluded in November 2007) comprised 18 governmental and non-governmental organisations from 15 European countries. In this framework, the HHC conducted a research in 27 EU member states concerning the manifestation of COI quality standards in the form of legal requirements (legislation and jurisprudence). As a result, a comparative study was published: “Country Information in Asylum Procedures – Quality as a Legal Requirement in the EU”, downloadable here in English and in Russian.

Coordinated by: Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD) – Austrian Red Cross

Funded by: European Refugee Fund Community ActionsUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)Austrian Red Cross

Website: www.coi-network.netwww.coi-training.netwww.ecoi.net





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