#Ukraine Temporary protection card extended until 2025

Know Your Rights! 

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Váltás magyarra

Know Your Rights! 


Short movie on the rights of suspects in Hungary


What happens to me if I am suspected with committing a criminal offence in Hungary?

May I ask the police officer what the suspicion is against me?

May I ask the police officer to explain my rights to me?

Do I have to answer to all questions of the police officers?

Do I always have the right to a lawyer?

What happens if I do not have enough money to pay for a lawyer?

How long will I be detained initially, and what happens to me after that?

May I read the files of my case? May I receive a copy of them?

Do I have a right to know on what basis the prosecutor requests my pre-trial detention?



These are important questions for those who are suspected with committing a criminal offence in Hungary, and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s short movie provides an answer to them. Because it is good to know you rights.



Because it is good to know you rights.



The short movie is available in Hungarian, with both English and Hungarian subtitles.


The short movie was produced in the framework of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s project “Article 7 – Ensuring Access to Case Materials in Hungary”.





Funded by the European Commission

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