The Right to Know – Legal Template on EU and International Law Regarding Disclosure of Classified Information in Asylum and Return Procedures Based on National Security Grounds
This Template presents the relevant EU law and the relevant Court of Justice of the European Union case law, as well as the pertinent provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights and the applicable European Court of Human Rights case law. The Template thus provides guidance to national legal practitioners with an overview of the relevant EU and international standards that should be argued before domestic and international courts in order to achieve the EU/international law compliant interpretation/amendment of domestic laws and practice.
Written by Zita Barcza-Szabó with substantive contributions from Gruša Matevžič, Barbara Pohárnok, Jacek Białas and Nicoletta Charalambidou and updated in 2024 by Katalin Juhász and Gruša Matevžič in the framework of The Right to Know 2 project.
The legal template can be found here
The legal template was published under The Right to Know project funded by the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration (EPIM).