#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Judicial Guidance Paper on credibility assessment in asylum cases

As part of the CREDO project, the International Association of Refugee Law Judges published a pioneering guidance document designed for judges and all other relevant decision-makers active in the field of asylum.

As part of the CREDO project, the International Association of Refugee Law Judges published a pioneering guidance document designed for judges and all other relevant decision-makers active in the field of asylum.

The assessment of credibility in asylum case is done in an unharmonized manner in numerous EU Member States; the CREDO project, also through the present publication, aims to to build towards better structured, objective, high-quality and protection-oriented credibility assessment procedures in all EU Member States.

The CREDO project is coordinated by tha Hungarian Helsinki Committee and implemented together with the UNHCR Bureau for Europe, the International Association of Refugee Law Judges and Asylum Aid.

The Judicial Guidance Paper can be downloaded here.

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee