Equal Treatment Law Clinic (2008-2009)
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Váltás magyarraBuilding on its training experience, the HHC launched its Equal Treatment Law Clinic in December 2008 in cooperation with the ELTE University of Budapest and the University of Miskolc. The program was aimed at sensitising law students in relation to antidiscrimination issues while providing them with practical working experience in the field. At both universities students were provided with a sound theoretical knowledge of the non-discrimination field and were involved into actual case work (including legal advice and representation in altogether 20 cases) under the supervision of 6 experienced attorneys.
A university textbook was produced and an online digital non-discrimination library was also created in the framework of the project. The project concluded with a conference organized for representatives of other law faculties with the aim of disseminating the project’s results and encouraging them to start similar initiatives.
Funded by the European Union and the Republic of Hungary
Program code: 2006/018-176.03.01
Contract number: 2006/018-176.0301-0024