#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Timeline of undermining judicial independence 2012-2019

Judicial independence has been under constant threat and has been systematically undermined by the governing majority in Hungary in the past seven years. How did they do it? A timeline prepared by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and Amnesty International Hungary outlines the major steps.

Steps of the governing majority threatening judicial independence included the centralisation of the administration of courts, the lowering of the mandatory retirement age of judges, terminating the mandate of the Supreme Court’s President prematurely, attempting to set up a heavily government-controlled administrative court system, and exerting pressure on critical judges. In our timeline, we outline the most important events between 2012 and 2019 in this regard.

>>> The timeline is available here: Timeline of undermining the independence of the judiciary in Hungary 2012–2019

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee