#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

The Luxemburg Court: Conductor for a Disharmonious Orchestra?

Mapping the national impact of the four initial asylum-related judgments of the EU Court of Justice.

Since the nineties, asylum and immigration has gradually gained importance as an area of cooperation and harmonisation in the European Union. The Court of Justice of the European Union has become the first supranational judicial body in history which is entitled to provide mandatory guidance regarding the interpretation of asylum-related provisions in EU law in response to “references for preliminary rulings” submitted by national courts. This pioneering report analyses the impact of the four initial asylum-related judgments of the Luxembourg Court at the national level, including legislative and policy changes, as well as judicial interpretations.


Research funded by the European Refugee Fund Community Actions 2009, in the framework of the “Knowledge-based Harmonisation of European Asylum Practices” project led by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee