If you live and pay taxes in Hungary, you can offer 1% of your annual income tax to a non-governmental public benefit organisation. Now is the time! You can do it by May 20, whether you are a Hungarian or a foreigner. If your company or accountant takes care of your annual income tax declaration, just tell them that you would like to donate 1% of your income tax to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Magyar Helsinki Bizottság) , whose tax number is below.
It has no cost for you, but it offers great help to civil society organisations!
The easiest way to donate your 1% is through the “client gateway”.
- If you have a client gateway, visit
- Use the Google Translate plugin to translate the page and sign in.
- Once identified, select the 1 + 1% declaration on the right and complete it!
Enter our tax number in the beneficiary box:
Here’s our how-to guide for you:
What do we do with your 1% tax?
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee provides legal aid to thousands of people every year. We fight injustices against our clients.
Check out our successes from 2019:
📌 We provided free legal assistance to over 1600 people.
📌 We raised our voice in many Hungarian and international forums to defend democracy and the rule of law.
📌 We won a strategically important case before the Court of Justice of the European Union, which is binding in the EU Member States.
📌 We rescued 19 asylum seekers from deliberate starvation and helped released 92 from detention in the transit zone.
📌 We prevented an Afghan mother and her children from immediate deportation to their home country.
📌 With our help, 19 people were able to reunite safely with their families.
📌 We trained nearly 1,500 professionals (including judges and government agencies, asylum and migration experts) across continents, from Pretoria to Santiago de Chile.
📌 We were awarded three outstanding international for our advocacy work.
📌 We provided legal assistance to 274 detainees who were victims of human rights violations.