#Ukraine Temporary protection card extended until 2025

JUVE Awards of Germany: the Hungarian Helsinki Committee was selected as one of the charitable projects

Defending the rule of law has been an important part of our work since 2010. Since the election of the current prime minister, the principle of the rule of law is increasingly undermined. Hungary faced successive restrictions on human rights and only a strong civil society can fight these developments – said Márta Pardavi, co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee on stage while receiving a cheque with the donations at the JUVE Awards gala in Frankfurt. At the annual event of German law firms 116,050 euros were donated to the human rights organization.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee is honoured to be selected as one of the charitable projects of the JUVE Awards. We are grateful for the generosity of all those who donated, and to JUVE for nominating us.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee was selected as one of the charitable projects in 2021 of the JUVE Awards of Germany that recognize law firms or teams that have been noticed as particularly dynamic due to their work and market position. The editorial team of JUVE, Germany’s main source of legal news, honors both young, promising units as well as long-standing actors who have attracted attention over the past twelve months due to a special development.

Every year the winners of this prestigious prize are announced at a gala in Frankfurt where the donation amount for two selected charitable projects is announced too. This year besides the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Zweitzeugen eV Association was nominated, which encourages young people through Holocaust survival stories to deal deeply with the history of national socialism and to actively campaign against antisemitism and racism today.

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee