Disregard for EU values: a snapshot of rule of law issues in Hungary in light of the Article 7 procedure
Six years have passed since the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the Council of the European Union to determine, pursuant to Article 7(1) of the Treaty of the European Union, the existence of a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values on which the Union is founded. Since then, the situation has further deteriorated in Hungary in most of the areas covered by the Article 7(1) procedure, and new rule of law and human rights challenges have emerged. The Hungarian government has furthered its illiberal agenda and cemented its grip on power by eroding the independence of Hungary’s democratic institutions and levels of protection for the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights, leading to a situation where vulnerable groups face rights violations without independent institutions being capable or willing to protect their rights.
Ahead of the General Affairs Council meeting on 19 November 2024, it is important to highlight that the governmental steps severely eroding the rule of law, democracy and human rights in the country currently holding the EU presidency also signal a fundamental disregard for EU values, EU law, and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
In our new related paper, we present the following selected rule of law and human rights issues that demonstrate this disregard and the diminished level of domestic human rights protection, proposing points of inquiry and recommendations:
- Shrinking civic space and the Sovereignty Protection Act
- Non-execution of European court judgments
- The possibility of Hungary’s top court to block the binding effect of CJEU judgments
- Perpetuated states of exception
- Lack of an effective domestic human rights protection system
The paper is available here:
Disregard for EU values: a snapshot of rule of law issues in Hungary in light of the Article 7 procedure (12 November 2024)
- HHC_Hungary_RoL-HR_issues_and_rec_12112024 pdf, 479 KB Download