#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Strengthening the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime through National Human Rights Institutions (2018-2019)

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Váltás magyarra

The transnational project coordinated by the Vienna based Ludwig Boltzmann Institute aimed to facilitate experience exchange among the National Human Rights Institutions (which is the ombudsman in Hungary) operating in the European Union. In the framework of the project, desk and interview-based research were conducted about the normative framework and the practice of the National Human Rights Institutions in 26 European countries with the aim of identifying best practices and enhancing international exchange.

In the first stage of the project, in 2018, the project partners worked on the research and the preparation of a comparative baseline study. The Hungarian version of the Handbook created in the framework of the project is available at:


The Hungarian Helsinki Committee was responsible for research related to four countries, the preparation of the Hungarian version of the baseline study and handbook, the organization of the international capacity building event taking place in Budapest in February 2019 and a domestic workshop, which took place in May 2019 in Hungary. Detailed reports about the two events are available in Hungarian at:



The project was funded by the European Union.



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