#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Watch our latest short films!

Our latest short films showcase the work of Helsinki Committee lawyers in helping refugees and migrants in Hungary.

18-year-old Zia fled from Afghanistan to Hungary two years ago totally on his own. Since then he has been going to secondary school, started to study mathematics and learned Hungarian perfectly. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee provided Zia legal assistance in his asylum procedure.

Zia from Magyar Helsinki Bizottság on Vimeo.

Bouba and his Hungarian wife have to fight for the chance to raise their two daughters together in Hungary. The lawyer of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee provides them legal help. This is the last chance for the father not to be expelled from Hungary. Their future depends on the decision of the Office of Immigration and Nationality.

Will daddy stay with us? from Magyar Helsinki Bizottság on Vimeo.


We are grateful for the support we received from Ökotárs Alapítvány and the Swedish Embassy in Budapest for the production of the films. We also thank the help of  the Cordelia Foundation, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and the Refugee Mission of the Reformed Church.

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