#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Victims of Violent Crimes in Detention (VVCD)

The project focuses mainly on the rights of non-nationals in the EU who are victims of violent crime suffered in pre-trial detention and in immigration detention.

Detained victims possess rights as victims of crime under EU law, yet their marginalisation within society coupled with discriminatory attitudes might impede them from accessing these rights. The project is funded by the EU and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee takes part in this project as a project partner. The HHC aims to examine how the rights of detained non-national victims – which are enshrined in the 2012/29 EU Directive (Victims’ Rights Directive) – are respected by the Hungarian authorities and aims to help the better implementation of the Directive. 

The HHC has written a guidance note in order to help professionals in ensuring the rights of victims of violent crimes suffered in detention.


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Hungarian Helsinki Committee