#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Recovery and Resilience for Judicial Independence in Hungary

The European Commission’s 2022 Rule of Law Report, released on 13 July 2022, repeated the stark findings of previous years and found no progress as regards judicial independence in Hungary. Two out of the Commission’s eight recommendations to Hungary in the 2022 Rule of Law Report focus on the independence of the judiciary.

The ongoing negotiations between the Government of Hungary and the European Commission regarding the conditions for Hungary’s access to the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility as well as the conditionality procedure under the Regulation to protect the EU budget, triggered by the European Commission in April 2022, provide an exceptional momentum to be seized to recover fundamental rule of law safeguards and build institutional resilience against further backsliding in Hungary. In its new paper, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee proposes a set of concrete recommendations to this effect in the field of judicial independence.

The recommendations are available here:

Recovery and Resilience for Judicial Independence in Hungary – Recommendations for Protecting the Rule of Law

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Hungarian Helsinki Committee