Investigation by Bács-Kiskun County Police Chief confirms HHC findings on the ex officio appointment system in criminal cases
The HHC requested data concerning the names of appointed counsels and the number of cases in which they were appointed in 2008 from 28 headquarters in seven regions, in order to demonstrate that the practice of having “in-house” lawyers at police headquarters is widespread.
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Váltás magyarra
As an unexpected, but positive outcome of the project, the head of the Bács-Kiskun County Police Headquarters launched an internal investigation into the practice of selecting ex officio legal counsels after he received the HHC’s request about the data. The result of the investigation was that at most police units in Bács-Kiskun county there are “in-house” lawyers who receive a large part of all appointments, the highest percentage being 82% in this respect. The Bács-Kiskun county police chief seriously criticized the revealed practice and ordered measures to counter these tendencies.