#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Information document on Detention Conditions in Hungary

The Criminal Justice Programme of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) drafted a comprehensive response to the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) FRANET research network’s Hungarian focal point touching upon 18 topics related to Criminal Detention in the European Union: Conditions and Monitoring.

The document summarises the HHC, a civil society watchdog organisation’s long-standing and current experiences with detention conditions, including statistical data provided by the authorities in response to HHC’s Freedom of Information requests. The edited version is available here.

The document contains information on the following:

  1. Cells
  2. Allocation of detainees
  3. Hygiene and sanitary conditions
  4. Nutrition
  5. Time spent outside the cell and outdoors
  6. Solitary confinement
  7. Work and education of detainees to promote social reintegration
  8. Healthcare
  9. Prevention of violence and ill-treatment
  10. Contact with the outside world
  11. Special measures
    • for female detainees
    • for foreign nationals
    • relating to detention of children and young adults
    • to protect detainees with disabilities or serious medical conditions
    • to protect detainees with special needs
  12. Specific measures to address radicalisation in prisons
  13. Inspections and monitoring
  14. Access to remedy

The document can serve as helpful country information for anyone interested in Hungarian detention conditions, such as academics, researchers, lawyers representing clients in extradition proceedings, etc.


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Hungarian Helsinki Committee