#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Fleeing homophobia – Seeking safety in Europe project (2010-2011)

The aim of this project (led by the Free University of Amsterdam) is to identify best practices regarding qualification for international protection and asylum procedures.

Large numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual (LGBTI) asylum-seekers apply for asylum in EU Member States each year. Experience shows that there are varying rules and practices on qualification for international protection and in asylum procedures. Many asylum applications by LGBTI applicants are denied on incorrect grounds.

The aim of this project (led by the Free University of Amsterdam) is to identify best practices regarding qualification for international protection and asylum procedures. These best practices should provide the basis for harmonized European standards, whether by amendment of secondary European law or in other forms. The HHC acts as a regional focal point for the project and, as such, is responsible not only for research, but also the dissemination of project results in the Eastern EU region and the identification of relevant target groups and potential partners. Other partners of the project are Avvocatura per i diritti LGBT/Rete Lenford, and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles. The project will conclude with the publication of a report covering findings from 24 EU Member States, Norway and Denmark, alongside a final conference and several regional seminars.

Funded by: European Commission through the European Refugee Fund

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