#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Hungary, which provided temporary protection to a little over 36 000 Ukrainians, restricts access to temporary protection and available services to beneficiaries of temporary protection to the point where thousands of people, supposedly under the protection of Hungary, have lost eligibility to state-funded mass shelter on 21 August 2024, in breach of EU law. The approximately 3 000 beneficiaries of temporary protection who, according to the Hungarian government, did not previously reside in Ukraine in territories directly affected by the Russian invasion, face destitution and homelessness, unless they move to other Member States or back to the war in Ukraine.

Our brief update explains the changes in Hungarian legislation that resulted in the eviction of thousands of vulnerable beneficiaries of temporary protection, what the HHC and partner organisations have done to mitigate the enfolding humanitarian crisis and recommendations addressed to the Hungarian government, its Charity Council, and the European Commission to resolve the situation.

Our paper is available here.


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Hungarian Helsinki Committee