#Ukraine Destitution and homelessness: the situation of vulnerable Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection

Criminalization of homelessness in Hungary

Legal background material and the law in English

Despite the related ruling of the Constitutional Court of Hungary, saying that criminalizing the status of homelessness is unconstitutional, since it violates human dignity, and despite international criticism, on 30 September 2013 the Hungarian Parliament adopted a law which introduced the petty offence of “infringing the rules of residing on public premises for habitation”, criminalizing homelessness as such.

The HHC prepared a legal background material, summarizing the main points of the law and explaining the consequences of committing the new petty offence in terms of possible punishments.

The background material is available here: Criminalization of homelessness in Hungary

The English translation of the law, prepared by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and The City is for All, is available here.



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