Conditionality mechanism: NGO assessment of remedial measures
With the 19 November deadline given to the Hungarian government to enact the remedial measures it committed to in the framework of the conditionality mechanism nearing, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, K-Monitor and Transparency International Hungary prepared a new joint analysis to draw attention to the fact that the measures devised in an attempt to convince European Union decision-makers about the Hungarian government’s determination to end intentional wrongdoing not only fall short of several of the 17 proposed remedial measures but fail to encompass the complexity of government malpractice in Hungary. Our joint analysis also covers the new laws adopted and new regulations proposed since the publication of our previous assessment published on 7 October, and points out the problems of the procedure itself which the Hungarian government has been conducting with a view to complying with its commitments.
The joint analysis is available here:
The three NGOs also prepared a comprehensive table assessing the compliance with all the key implementation steps of the remedial measures as committed to by Hungary, also briefly summarising the main deficiencies of the commitments or their implementation. The table, which follows the structure of the annex of the Commission’s proposal from September for a Council implementing decision, is available here: