Ask for help and contact us

Fill out our form to contact us

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee's main goal is to provide a place to turn to if you have been harmed. Please fill out the contact form.

  • 1. Personal information

  • 2. Details of my case

    We can help if your arrest is against the law because: ● there is no proper legal reason for it; or ● it has lasted too long, at least a year. In this case, we can help bring your case before the European Court of Human Rights. However, this does not mean that you will be released immediately nor will the criminal proceedings against you be stopped. We can also help if your relative or acquaintance has been unlawfully held in pre-trial detention.

    Please answer the below questions if you can. What is the legal issue you would need help with? Where and when did it happen? Is there already an ongoing procedure in the case? If so, before which authority? Have you asked for a legal remedy, for example, have you complained or appealed?

  • Clicking the "Submit" button will register your request for assistance. Our staff will contact you shortly at one of the contact details you have provided.
Hungarian Helsinki Committee